Save the date for the Chisholm Trail Heritage Museum Taste of the Trail!
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The Cuero American Legion Post 3 is hosting a BBQ Fundraiser. Purchase a whole BBQ Chicken to-go! Pick up will be at the American Legion from 10am-12:30 pm on Saturday, June 15th.
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Whole chickens (2 halves) $15 ea. p/u only @ American Legion. Tickets on sale Sept. 16th @ Anders Auto & DeWitt Co. Producers
Join us for the Backyard Brawl Event on Saturday, November 30th, as the Cuero Chamber kicks off Shop Small Saturday with a Tailgate Fundraiser in downtown Cuero! Wear your team colors, shop local, and enjoy tasty bites from food trucks or a cold drink from the beer garden. Don’t miss the cooler raffle for a […]
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Cuero Chamber Day Register Here